Miraculous Dharma Lotus Flower Samadhi’s Secret Samaya Sutra
An English translation of 妙法蓮華三昧祕密三摩耶經 A Vajrayana ( Indestructible Vehicle ) [0] explanation of Saddharma Pundarika Sutra ( Lotus Sutra ). Alternative Title : Sutra on the Secret Teachings regarding the Samadhi [1] named True Dharma White Lotus The Eight-Petaled Lotus Flower which Symbolizes the Heart ( the central part of Womb Store Realm Mandala ) : The Beginning Chapter Maha-Vairocana the Bhagavan who illuminates universally, accompanied by an ocean-like grand assembly of Eternally Quiescent Light [2], wanders throughout the Dharma Realm Palace, and enjoys the Bliss of Dharma. The Bhagavan descends from the Tathagata Lifespan Vajra to the Great Compassion Womb Store, and says these verses of Self Awakenment [3] : “Homage to the Originally Awakened Heart and the Dharma Body. The eternally existing Miraculous Dharma is on the Lotus Platform of Heart. All the merits of the Three Bodies [4] are already present in the primordial Origin. The Thirty-seven Lords [5] ...