
Showing posts from May, 2022

Buddha-Spoken Sutra on Great Dragon Krkala’s Dharani and His Victory over Exterior-Path Practitioners

An English Translation of  佛說俱利伽羅大龍勝外道伏陀羅尼經 (Taisho Tripitaka 1206)   Thus I have heard: At one time, The Buddha was in the great city Raja-griha. At that time, Ratna-ketu ( Treasure -Banner) Dharani Bodhisattva asked the Buddha : "Why does great dragon Krkala hold a sharp sword in his mouth, and wrap his four legs around the sword ?" The Buddha told Ratna-ketu Dharani Bodhisattva : "At one time in the past, in the highest Heaven of Form Realm (Akanistha), in Mahesvara (Great Omnipotent God)’s Knowledge Victory City, when Moveless Luminous King (Acalanatha Vidya-Raja) was debating with a number of Exterior-path practitioners, both sides manifested myriads of miraculous transformations to prove their wisdom.” "At that time, Moveless Luminous King (Acalanatha Vidya-Raja) transformed himself into a Wisdom Fire sword." " Meanwhile , there were 95 types of Exterior-path practitioners. Their Leader, whose name is Wisdom Achievement, also transformed himself into...


一、三人的知識結構、眼界、文化觀差異 魯迅 魯迅能熟練運用中文和日文,對德文略懂,能閱讀但不能寫作和對話;對英文則很不熟練,掌握程度遠低於日文和德文。 魯迅的翻譯作品,很多是別人從西方語言譯成日文,魯迅再從日文譯成中文的。 魯迅的文化觀,是徹底仇視中華文化和中國的一切,同時無限推崇西方,尤其是日本的東西。魯迅認為中華文化可歸結為兩個字:「吃人」,並認為漢字、中醫、道教等都應該被徹底消滅。 林語堂 林語堂精通中、英、法、德等多種語言,尤以中、英文著述最豐。 林語堂的翻譯作品,有從西方語言譯成中文的,也有從中文譯成西方語言的。其中,由中文古籍譯成英文的作品相當多,超過了英譯中的作品。 林語堂的文化觀,是認為中華文化有可取之處,有與西方文化相通之處,值得向世界介紹,讓西方人加以瞭解。因此,他將很多中華古籍,包括道家、儒家的一些經典,譯成了英文,介紹給西方。 對比林語堂與魯迅的文化觀,魯迅從中華文化里 衹看出「吃人」二字,並認為中文、道教都應該被徹底消滅;林語堂卻能看出中華文化的可取之處、與西方文化的相通之處,並將道教經典譯成英文,介紹給西方。 兩者對比,顯而易見,魯迅雖能熟練運用中文,但其實既不通中、亦不通西。而林語堂,才是真正的學貫中西。就對文化的影響和作用而言,魯迅是一味的對中華文化進行歪曲、詆毀、傷害,必欲滅之而後快;而林語堂則不僅繼承和弘揚了中華文化,也豐富了西方文化,對整個人類的文化交流和相互理解,作出了巨大貢獻。 蘇雪林 蘇雪林精通中、英、法等多種語言,其知名作品多為中文。 蘇雪林的文化觀,是認為中華文化與西方文化,兩者的相通、一致之處,多不勝數。尤其是華夏古神話、宗教、哲學思想,與西方的希伯來 - 基督系宗教,有大量的相通、一致之處。她舉出了非常多的證據來支持此觀點。至於為何會如此,蘇雪林認為中華文化來自古希伯來文化,並由此得出「世界文化同出一源」的結論。 蘇雪林認為中華文化必來自古希伯來,是她的局限之處。既然她是天主教徒,應該相信天啓、神授,那中華文化完全可以直接來自天啓、神授,何須由異國他鄉傳來?事實上,中華古籍經典里,都說華夏古代的神學、哲學思想、道法等等,最初是由上天、由神明傳授,而非來自異國他鄉。至於為何與西方宗教文化有如此多相通一致之處,那是因為由同一神所傳授,這不就完美解釋了嗎? 由蘇雪林的文化觀,可以解釋她為何用大半輩子來罵魯迅。以她的品格,...

The Victorious Army's Moveless Luminous King and His Forty-eight Followers' Secret Achievement Ceremony (excerpts)

(Taisho Tripitaka 1205) The Luminous King's four grand vows:  Anyone who sees my body will arouse his Bodhi-Heart; Anyone who hears my name will cut off his evils and begin to cultivate virtuous merits; Anyone who hears my speeches will gain the Great Wisdom; Anyone who realizes my heart will attain the Buddha-Body in his present lifetime. (......) In praise of the Moveless Lord Homage to the Sacrosanct Moveless One, the greatly mighty and wrathful king who has an ultimate compassionate heart and pities all living beings. His intrinsic identity is Vairocana Himself, and He had achieved the Correct Awakening myriad eons ago. His Dharma-Body permeates the whole Dharma Realm, and His wisdom is as boundless as the universe. While being silent, His sounds are heard in the worlds as many as atoms. In order to protect and hold the Buddha Dharmas, and in order to give benefits and happiness to all living beings, although He has a boundless ocean of perfectly beautiful appearances, He...



Ultra Supreme Elder Lord's Ultra Plainness Scripture

An English translation of  太上老君太素經 The Ultra Plainness is immensely bright and white, with the Way inside. At the time of Ultra Plainness, the Divinity goes there to operate, and the Way is revealed. As creations and formations take place, the Way gives things Order, and the Way completes them. In this way Heaven and Earth are shaped, and the Way and Virtue incarnate into a Scripture.  (  The Scripture of Way and Virtue  ) The Way of Self Thusness (*) is the greatest Way. The Virtue of Eternal Life is the greatest Gain of Virtue. (* The Chinese term  自然 , which is often translated to ‘nature’, literally means Self Thusness — A ‘being’ that is such by itself, independently and unconditionally. It is not created, and not conditioned by anyone or anything. ) The Way produces One, One produces Two, Two produces Three, and Three produces Heaven and Earth. The Heaven and Earth system then becomes full, and since it becomes full, it starts to decline. At the end of the...

The Ultra Supreme Elder Lord's Scripture of Precepts

During the Elder Lord's westward journey to Tin-Tzoc, and when He entered the western pass of Hahm-Goc, He imparted the two scriptures of Tao and Virtue (*) to Whun-Hey, who was the guardian of the pass. (* The Scripture of Tao And Virtue [Tao Store 0691 & 0692] is known as two parts:  1. The Scripture of Virtue 2. The Scripture of Tao ) Having received the scriptures, Whun-Hey asked further on how to keep one's body in purity to uphold the scriptures. Thereupon, in addition, the Elder Lord decided to impart the important precepts to Whun-Hey, and suggested that all living beings should keep these precepts to cross the ocean of mundane realms. He then said these verses in three chapters: "Enjoy the holy teachings and let them be your companions; Love the scriptures as if they were pearls and jade; Keep the precepts to subdue the six desires; Be mindful of Tao to expel the desires; Let the Court of True Energy be pure and peaceful,  Calmly, the Divinity will enter into ...